Should You Repair or Replace Your Refrigerator?

As a general rule, Consumer Reports recommends replacing a product if the cost of repair is more than half the price of buying a new one. You can make your own call by consulting our updated repair or replacement schedules. While it's generally cheaper to repair your refrigerator rather than completely replace it, there are a few factors you should consider. For instance, if your fridge is past 13 years old and it seems to be closing, it may be time to get a new one.

However, if you are wondering if you can replace a refrigerator, the answer is yes. At the end of the day, repairing a refrigerator costs you much less, it is better for the environment and will save you a huge amount of discomfort and headaches. With Puls, all your refrigerator repairs can be made easier than ever. But, as a rule, if you have several defective parts or if your refrigerator is more than ten years old, it's probably time to replace it.

Consumer Reports suggests replacing your refrigerator if the cost to repair it is more than half the price of buying a new one. You can often get away with a repair of just about anything. Consider replacing it if the unit is over 15 years old. Newer models are more energy efficient, contributing to savings.In addition, replacement is the most likely scenario if the freezer stops working.

If you're still unsure whether you should replace or repair your refrigerator, a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that the longer you have your refrigerator, the higher the potential repair cost. Top-freezer refrigerators should be repaired within three years, considered for repair within three to six years, and replaced if they are older than seven years.When deciding whether to repair or replace your refrigerator, it's important to weigh all of your options carefully. Consider how much money you would save by repairing versus replacing and how long you plan on keeping the appliance. If you're looking for an easy way to determine whether you should repair or replace your fridge, remember that Consumer Reports recommends replacing a product if the cost of repair is more than half the price of buying a new one.