Is Appliance Repair a Dying Business?

The home appliance repair industry is changing, but the need for qualified and certified technicians is still growing. In fact, the industry requires nearly 36,000 new technicians across the country. Unfortunately, there are not enough vocational schools that teach the trade. Despite this, appliances will always break down and require repairs.

In times of economic hardship, it is often more cost-effective to repair appliances than to replace them, making appliance repair a great industry to be in during tough times. The mistake that the Wash Times article makes is not recognizing that low-end and high-end appliances are two different worlds. On this episode of Acquiring Minds, John talks about the benefits of the appliance repair industry, why he is happier with the overall improvement strategy rather than dealing with day-to-day problems, and the humble feeling of acquiring a business where employees are already a tight-knit group. With that in mind, here are 10 reasons why you should consider getting into appliance repair:The first step is to ask your friends and family where they go to get their appliances repaired.

Appliance repair is a physically demanding job; however, my team and I have worked with students of all backgrounds and ages. If they decide to repair an appliance that is likely to break down again, customers may criticize repairers and cause them to lose business due to a damaged reputation. Some people even take up appliance repair after retiring from another profession, from aircraft machinists to long-haul truckers.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, appliance repair technicians earned an average salary of $39,270 last May. The mainstream media rarely pays attention to us humble, hardworking (but very handsome) appliance repairers.

Perception is important because if a person does not trust the manager of the appliance, then they will choose to buy a new appliance simply to prevent what they believe to be a poor quality manager from making them crazy. This is true as far as it is concerned, but it omits the other side of the equation here: people's perception of appliance repair technicians.Finally, despite automation in other parts of the US economy, appliance repair is not going anywhere. People considering appliance repair may face social stigma around people who work with their hands. If you decide to buy low-end household appliances, plan to make your own repairs because it will simply not be profitable for a professional technician to repair it for you.

Appliance repair technicians often enroll in training programs where they learn the ins and outs of household appliances, requiring considerable concentration, determination and commitment.In August, one student enrolled in the three-week course of the Dyer Appliance Repair Academy in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas. Here they learned how to fix refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, washing machines and dryers.